Boil 3 bananas before going to bed: because so many are doing it

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After a long and demanding day, the desire to slip into bed and rejuvenate body and mind is universal.

Obtaining a restorative night’s sleep is often the key to shaking off the stress of a busy day and waking up rejuvenated, yet for some, attaining such peaceful slumber can prove elusive. Those wrestling with insomnia or erratic sleep cycles may struggle to relax, consequently greeting the new day feeling worn out and cranky.

For individuals dealing with these sleep woes, a natural and cost-effective remedy exists: banana and cinnamon tea. This solution stands apart from over-the-counter sleep aids, not only in its simplicity but also in its reliance on natural components. Bananas are a critical ingredient in this brew due to their content of tryptophan, an amino acid that encourages the brain to produce serotonin. This essential neurotransmitter is instrumental in fostering a sense of well-being and hastening the approach of sleep. Thus, sipping on banana-infused tea before bed could serve as a comprehensive approach to combating insomnia and sleep disruptions.

Making banana tea is an easy and swift task. Start by selecting two or three bananas and snip off the tips, keeping the skin on. Slice the bananas into chunks, making sure to keep the peel on. Put these banana chunks into a vessel, sprinkling a bit of cinnamon over them. Pour water into the vessel (a pot is ideal) and heat it until it reaches a boil. After it starts boiling, turn down the heat and allow it to simmer for around ten minutes. During this time, the peel will part from the banana flesh.

Take the pot off the stove, filter out the liquid, and your banana tea is prepared to be enjoyed roughly 20 minutes before going to sleep. This herbal brew can set the stage for a tranquil night’s rest, helping to turn sleep difficulties into a distant memory.

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