Farmers trick to grow lemon cuttings within 30 days

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Here are some tips on how to grow lemon cuttings within 30 days:

  1. Choose a healthy lemon tree. The best way to ensure that your lemon cuttings will take root is to choose a healthy lemon tree. The tree should be free of pests and diseases, and it should have strong, vigorous growth.

  2. Take your cuttings during the spring or summer. This is when the lemon tree is most likely to produce new roots.

  3. Cut your cuttings in the morning. This is when the plant has the most sap and will be more likely to heal properly.

  4. Cut your cuttings about 6 inches long and remove any leaves from the bottom 2 inches. This will help the cuttings to focus on rooting instead of growing leaves.

  5. Dip the bottom of your cuttings in rooting hormone. Rooting hormone will help the cuttings to root faster.

  6. Plant your cuttings in well-draining soil. You can use a mixture of potting soil and perlite.

  7. Water your cuttings well and keep them in a warm, sunny location. The ideal temperature for rooting lemon cuttings is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

  8. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. You don’t want the cuttings to dry out, but you also don’t want them to sit in water.

  9. Check on your cuttings regularly and remove any dead or dying leaves.

  10. Be patient! It can take a few weeks or even months for lemon cuttings to root.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Use a rooting hormone that is specifically for citrus trees.
  • Place your cuttings in a plastic bag with a few holes poked in it to help them retain moisture.
  • Mist your cuttings regularly with a spray bottle.
  • Fertilize your cuttings once a month with a diluted fertilizer.

With a little care, you should be able to grow lemon cuttings within 30 days.

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