Grow These 12 Herbs in Just Water All Year Round

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Looking to grow fresh herbs without the hassle of soil? With just a glass jar and fresh water, you can cultivate a variety of herbs right on your windowsill. This simple method is perfect for busy individuals who want fresh herbs all year round.

1. Peppermint: Grow peppermint in a jar to make herbal tea, oil, or soup. It thrives in partially sunny or shady spots.

2. Oregano: Perfect for pasta sauces and soups, oregano can grow large, so keep it trimmed.

3. Sage: Use sage in eggs, chicken, or lamb dishes. It needs moderate sunlight and little water.

4. Basil: Basil loves sunlight and can be used in numerous recipes, including sauces and soups.

5. Stevia: Stevia grows well in both sun and shade. Use its leaves to naturally sweeten your beverages.

6. Thyme: Thyme flowers are edible, and the herb needs plenty of sunlight. It’s perfect for drying and using in cooking.

7. Rosemary: Rosemary prefers full sunlight and is great for flavoring chicken dishes.

8. Lemon Balm: This herb, needing lots of sunlight, can be used to make tea that eases anxiety and aids sleep.

9. Chives: Chives require ample water and sunlight and can enhance many dishes.

10. Cilantro: Ideal for salsas and Mexican dishes, cilantro prefers plenty of sunlight but tolerates partial shade.

11. Lavender: Lavender, needing sun and fresh air, can be used to make teas and oils for soothing purposes.

12. Marjoram: Marjoram grows best in full sunlight and is great for flavoring meats or making oils for lotions.

Conclusion: These 12 herbs are easy to grow in water, providing fresh, flavorful additions to your kitchen all year round. Enjoy the convenience and benefits of home-grown herbs without the need for soil.

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