Growing Mango at home is very simple: discover the quick method with us!

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Discover a quick and straightforward method to cultivate mangoes at home!

Tropical fruits have become a common sight on our dining tables and are readily available in supermarkets. While the taste of these fruits varies based on personal preferences, the aesthetic appeal of the plants often goes unnoticed. Surprisingly, many tropical plants, apart from yielding vitamin-rich fruits, also boast remarkable beauty. If you wish to establish a distinctive corner in your home, consider growing a mango plant from a basic fruit – a surprisingly straightforward process

Guide to Swift and Simple Mango Cultivation at Home! Required Materials:

  • A razor-sharp knife
  • Several sheets of blotting paper
  • Water
  • A clear plastic container
  • Transparent film

How to obtain the kernel

When preparing a mango for consumption, we often overlook the seed; however, it’s crucial to handle it with care. If the fruit is very ripe, a simple incision along the perimeter without touching the stone, followed by a gentle twist of the two halves, will release it. In the case of firmer pulp, careful slicing is necessary, ensuring the stone is untouched, and releasing it gradually.

Once the eagerly awaited seed is in hand, extracting the interior requires delicate handling to avoid damage. Typically, there is a slit on the outer part; starting from there, open it gently to extract the internal pulp, ensuring it comes out whole.

How to treat the hazelnut to make the plant grow

Once the mango seed is in our possession, carefully envelop it with a couple of sheets of absorbent paper, deposit it into the container, and moisten the entire paper towel either by hand or using a spray bottle. It should be thoroughly damp but not saturated. Wrap the entire container with transparent film, creating a mini greenhouse that maintains the seed in optimal temperature and humidity conditions. Position the container in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight. In approximately ten days, the initial sprouts of our splendid mango plant will start to emerge.

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