Growing Your Own Apple Tree: Unlocking the Magic from Apple Seeds

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However, there’s still magic in the process! Growing a tree from seed can be a fun experiment and a valuable learning experience. Here’s how to approach it:

1. Extract and Prepare the Seeds:

  • Carefully remove the seeds from a ripe apple, ensuring they’re plump and brown.
  • Wash them thoroughly to remove any fruit residue and pulp.
  • Stratify the seeds by placing them in a moist paper towel in a sealed plastic bag and refrigerating them for 2-3 months. This mimics winter dormancy and encourages germination.

2. Planting and Care:

  • Sow the stratified seeds in pots filled with well-draining potting mix.
  • Keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  • Place the pots in a sunny location and provide consistent watering.
  • Germination can take several weeks, so be patient!

3. Be Aware of the Limitations:

  • Remember, the resulting tree might not produce desirable fruit.
  • It might be susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • You’ll need to provide proper pruning and care for several years before expecting any fruit.

Alternative for Guaranteed Results:

  • Grafting: This involves attaching a bud or stem from a desired apple variety onto a rootstock of another tree. This guarantees you’ll get the same type of fruit as the chosen variety and often leads to faster fruiting (3-5 years). Grafting requires some skill and tools, but it’s a more reliable way to grow a specific apple tree.


Growing an apple tree from seed is a long-term project with uncertain results. If you’re looking for a specific type of apple tree with guaranteed fruit quality, grafting is a better option. However, growing from seed can be a fun experiment and a valuable learning experience, especially for children interested in the magic of nature!

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