Healthy and vigorous peace lily, throw in a handful – it will bloom beautifully

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That’s why you should always add a handful of this very common ingredient to make the peace lily grow at its best.

Read on to find out how to make your peace lily grow healthily and lushly , a plant that is not so simple to grow.

How to make the peace lily grow best

The peace lily, with its stunning and distinctive blooms, is a plant many desire to showcase in their gardens. Unfortunately, it is known to be somewhat challenging to cultivate.

Today, we’re going to share some invaluable advice to ensure your plant remains healthy and vibrant. It’s important to understand that this type of plant is particularly sensitive to drafts and poorly ventilated spaces.

Therefore, it’s crucial to position your plant in an area sheltered from the wind yet where air can circulate freely. During the summer months, it’s perfectly fine to place it outdoors, provided it’s kept out of direct sunlight. Come winter, it’s advisable to move your plant indoors to protect it from the cold.

It’s also essential to pay attention to the soil composition for your plant. A suitable mix would include peat, bark chips, and sand, with an acidic pH level being optimal.

Regarding temperature, maintaining a steady environment around 20 degrees Celsius is ideal for the peace lily to thrive. This plant typically blooms continuously from spring through fall, with a natural reduction in flowering as winter sets in.

While peace lilies may endure temperatures slightly below 15 degrees, there’s a remarkable method that can promote a robust, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing plant.

To discover this technique, simply keep reading the article. This method involves a common household ingredient that is a staple in cooking. Stay tuned as you continue through the article to learn about this special component.

That’s why pouring a handful can save it

It might come as a surprise, but a simple kitchen staple can work wonders for your peace lily. The secret ingredient? Rice. To bolster the growth and vitality of your plant, begin by measuring out 100 grams of rice and transferring it into a blender.

Next, pour in 2 liters of hot water and blend the mixture. After a short while, you’ll have what resembles a thick rice milk.

The next step is to strain this mixture to remove any solid rice particles, leaving you with just the liquid. Once you’ve done this, you can use the rice-infused water to nourish your peace lily.

It’s crucial to ensure that no rice solids come into contact with your plant, as they could lead to excess moisture and potentially cause fungal and mold issues. However, the strained rice milk will be readily absorbed by the plant, providing a bounty of nutrients that your peace lily will love.

This remarkable technique should be carried out roughly twice a week for the best results. Also, it’s important to use all of the rice milk immediately after preparation, as it cannot be stored for future use; the mixture tends to turn overly acidic quickly if refrigerated.


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