Here’s how to preserve lemons for a whole year: even fresher and more delicious

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There is an innovative and fun method that is used to preserve lemons for a whole year, delicious and fresh as never before.

Lemons, celebrated as a quintessential Italian treasure, are cherished globally. Picture, if you will, the vibrant yellow lemon groves of Sorrento, cascading down the hillsides to meet the ocean. The air is fragrant with their fresh aroma, a testament to the fruit’s versatile nature. These citrus gems are more than mere culinary enhancers; they’re a versatile home remedy for various applications. Fortunately, preserving their goodness is simple, with specialists sharing straightforward techniques to keep them fresh throughout the year.

How to store lemons for a year?

Can lemons be kept fresh for an entire year? This versatile fruit, boasting countless benefits, is a staple not only in cooking but also in health and beauty routines. However, maintaining the freshness of lemons can be challenging, particularly when they’re bought from a supermarket rather than plucked from a backyard tree.

Specialists have shared their expertise to educate the public on a year-round natural lemon preservation technique. To prepare for this method, gather the following ingredients for each jar you plan to use:

  • 1-liter jar
  • 1 and a half lemons
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon dill seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • A pinch of black pepper, to your liking
  • 2 to 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 2 teaspoons of coarse salt
  • 1 carafe of cold water

With these ingredients assembled, you’re ready to learn the lemon preservation process.

Jar method, procedure and advice

To keep lemons fresh throughout the year, there’s a simple preservation technique you can follow. Here are the initial steps:

  1. Start with a sterilized, empty jar and place the bay leaf at the bottom.
  2. Add the teaspoon of dill seeds.
  3. Prepare the garlic and chili pepper by cleaning them.
  4. Add the coriander seeds to the jar.

It’s time to move forward with the following steps:

1. Clean the lemons thoroughly using salt and baking soda to disinfect them.
2. Slice the lemons into several small pieces.
3. Also, chop the chili pepper into small bits.
4. Layer the lemon slices throughout the jar.
5. Add the chopped chili pepper, mixing it with the lemon slices.
6. After completing these steps, fill the jar with cold water until it’s full.
7. Seal the jar tightly with all the ingredients inside and shake it to ensure everything is well combined.

The jar must be stored in a cool, dry place without direct sunlight. Shake once a day so that all the ingredients can work together to preserve the lemon for a whole year.

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