How to grow garlic in water to have an endless supply

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Garlic, an effortlessly cultivatable plant, exhibits a remarkable ability to thrive even without soil, making it well-suited for water-based cultivation. Its almost mystical regenerative qualities come to the forefront when allowed to sprout, making the process of growing garlic in water a fascinating endeavor.

To embark on this journey, begin by selecting garlic cloves that have initiated sprouting. Opt for the healthiest ones, ensuring they are free from any signs of rot or imperfections.

Subsequently, place these sprouted cloves in a transparent glass or jar, positioning them so that the sprouted end faces upward.

Pour lukewarm water into the container, ensuring it reaches halfway up the garlic cloves. It’s crucial not to fully submerge them to prevent any risk of rotting.

Position the glass or jar on a windowsill inside your home, where it can absorb sunlight, for a period of about 4 to 7 days.

Keep an eye on the clarity of the water. If it becomes murky, gently remove the garlic cloves, empty the glass, and then refill it with fresh water before replacing the cloves.

Allow the garlic shoots to flourish until they reach a height of at least 7 cm. These sprouts can be utilized in cooking, adding a flavorful touch to a variety of dishes.

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