How to Plant Mint in a Cup for Decorating and Fragrancing Your Home

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Planting mint in a cup for decoration and fragrance is a great idea! Here’s how to do it:


  • A mug or cup with drainage holes (you can drill small holes yourself)
  • Potting mix for herbs
  • Fresh mint cuttings (4-6 inches long) or a small mint plant
  • Pebbles (optional)
  • Water spray bottle


  1. Prepare the cup: If your cup doesn’t have drainage holes, drill small holes in the bottom to prevent waterlogging.
  2. Fill the cup: Add enough potting mix to fill the cup ¾ full. Choose a good quality potting mix specifically formulated for herbs.
  3. Planting:
    • Cuttings: Dip the ends of the mint cuttings in water and then in rooting hormone (optional). Poke them gently into the soil, leaving a few leaves above the surface. Space them evenly around the cup.
    • Small plant: Carefully remove the mint plant from its pot and gently loosen the roots. Plant it in the center of the cup, ensuring the roots are covered with soil.
  4. Water: Thoroughly water the soil until it drains out the bottom holes. Don’t overwater.
  5. Pebbles (optional): Add a layer of decorative pebbles on top of the soil to retain moisture and prevent splashing when watering.
  6. Placement: Choose a bright spot with indirect sunlight and good air circulation. Avoid harsh afternoon sun.
  7. Care:
    • Water regularly when the top inch of soil feels dry. Mist the leaves occasionally, especially in dry climates.
    • Pinch off any flower buds that appear to encourage bushier growth.
    • Harvest leaves regularly by pinching them off the stem. Pinch from the top for continuous growth.
    • Fertilize lightly with a diluted liquid fertilizer for herbs every 2-3 weeks during the growing season.
    • Repot every year or two to a slightly larger container with fresh potting mix.


  • Choose a mint variety with a pleasant fragrance like peppermint, spearmint, or chocolate mint.
  • Refresh the fragrance by gently brushing the leaves.
  • Use the harvested leaves for cooking, tea, or potpourri.
  • Be aware that mint can be invasive. Consider planting it in a pot within a larger container to control its spread.

Enjoy your fragrant and decorative mini mint garden!

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