Make this mixture if you want your peppers to grow in abundance!

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Growing peppers involves employing specific techniques for a successful harvest in your small kitchen garden. To ensure a bountiful yield from your pepper seedlings, it’s crucial to recognize that these vegetables do not thrive in acidic soil. Therefore, it is advisable to utilize a suitable method to alkalize the soil, preferably during the autumn season. However, even if you’ve missed the autumn window, it’s not too late to create a soil mixture that fosters optimal pepper growth, and we’ll provide guidance on how to do so.


  • 1 liter of organic liquid fertilizer
  • 9 liters of water
  • A 200-250 ml glass filled with chalk fragments, available from agricultural and construction stores

Preparation and Usage:

  1. Pour the 9 liters of water into a watering can.
  2. Add the chalk fragments from the glass and 1 liter of organic liquid fertilizer, then thoroughly mix the solution.
  3. Apply one liter of this mixture to the base of the pepper plants that have been previously watered, as the alkaline effect is more effective on moist soil.
  4. Within a few days, you’ll observe an improvement in the plants’ condition.
  5. If your garden soil remains highly acidic, repeat this method every 7-10 days for continued benefits.

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