Mother-in-law’s tongue, place it here: the ideal place for it to flourish and last a long time

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Sansevieria, commonly known as snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, is a remarkably low-maintenance plant, but it does require some basic care considerations, particularly regarding its placement.

Very present in Italian homes and considered very trendy, the mother-in-law’s tongue should be placed according to the rules of Feng Shui.

Sanseveria, characteristics of the plant

The term “mother-in-law’s tongue” is often misconstrued, conjuring images of savory pastries. However, it also refers to Sansevieria, a plant that has recently regained popularity in Italian households.

The leaves of Sansevieria closely resemble elongated yellow tongues adorned with lighter green or yellow stripes. While Sansevieria is the botanical name, “mother-in-law’s tongue” is the common vernacular.

The success of Sansevieria can be attributed to its simplicity in cultivation, not just its aesthetic appeal. Additionally, it possesses notable qualities: it purifies the air, introducing oxygen and neutralizing harmful substances. Sansevieria effectively absorbs not only carbon dioxide but also toxins that permeate our homes.

In terms of ease of care, mother-in-law’s tongue is quite forgiving in its water requirements. It only needs to be watered once every two weeks. Overwatering, however, can lead to detrimental root rot.

Where to place the mother-in-law’s tongue plant

Sansevieria, despite its effortless cultivation, requires strategic placement to flourish optimally, adhering to the principles of Feng Shui. This ancient practice, rooted in Taoist geomancy, guides the arrangement of home décor, determining the placement of objects for optimal energy flow.

According to Feng Shui wisdom, the mother-in-law’s tongue, revered for its mystical properties, should be positioned in a setting harmonious with its nature. This harmonious environment is not found in the dining room or living room, where the wood element dominates.

The bathroom, with its excessive humidity, is an unsuitable location for mother-in-law’s tongue, potentially hindering its growth. Additionally, its protective energy may dampen creativity and hinder its flow if placed in the study or workspace.

Therefore, to maximize the benefits of this remarkable plant, place it in areas aligned with its nature, such as the bedroom or hallway, where it can thrive and foster positive energy throughout the home.

In accordance with the eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, the ideal setting for mother-in-law’s tongue is the entrance, the gateway that shapes the atmosphere of the home. This placement harnesses the plant’s potential to attract prosperity and purify the negative energies that accompany visitors. Embrace the wisdom of Feng Shui and position your mother-in-law’s tongue at the entrance to enhance your home’s ambiance and invite positive vibes.

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