Orchids full of flowers and healthy for a whole year if you do it 1 time a week

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Orchids, how to have them full of flowers and healthy for a whole year? You have to do this process once a week. You will see how wonderful it is in your home.

Orchids are a stunning choice for plant enthusiasts, yet maintaining their beauty and vitality can appear challenging. Nonetheless, there’s a solution at hand. Are you curious about the secret to keeping them flourishing all year round? We’re here to share that insight with you.

Orchids characteristics and other properties

Orchids, with their 25,000 species, are a treasured member of the monocotyledon family and a favorite among horticulturists, cherished in countries like Spain and Italy. These flowers thrive in warm climates but cannot survive in extreme cold, such as polar regions, or in excessively dry environments like deserts.

Orchids exhibit a diverse range of forms, yet identifying them is not a difficult task. Their sizes span from tiny millimeters to the towering 13.4 meters of the Sobralia altissima species.

Did you know that some orchids can tip the scales at up to 100 kg? The Grammatophyllum species is one such example. Their delightful fragrance further adds to their exceptional nature.

Orchids come in a variety of stunning hues. While the purple orchid is quite familiar, there are other colors with their own symbolic meanings. The blue orchid represents harmony and peace, the pink orchid signifies love, and the green orchid is a symbol of hope.

Caring for orchids is not always straightforward. It’s easy to make mistakes that could harm the plant. But there’s a method to keep your orchid thriving and robust throughout the year. This simple care routine, performed weekly, can make all the difference.

How to have your plant healthy and thriving for a year

Orchids are captivating plants, but they require attentive care that can sometimes be challenging. It’s common to hear individuals express frustration that their orchids don’t last beyond three months. What could be the reason for this?

The key to keeping an orchid alive and flourishing is often in the details of its care. Overwatering, underwatering, improper lighting, or overly humid conditions can all contribute to its demise. But there’s a straightforward solution that could extend the life of your orchid up to a year: Epsom salt.

Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, is an excellent fertilizer due to its high sulfur and magnesium content, which are beneficial for orchid growth. How do you apply it?

Simply incorporate half a glass of Epsom salt into the soil around your plant once a week. Make sure to mix it into the soil thoroughly for full absorption.

This method promises not just vibrant blooms but also a healthy plant throughout the year. Epsom salt can also be applied directly to the orchid’s foliage. Create a solution with 4 liters of water and two tablespoons of Epsom salt, ensuring the salt is fully dissolved. Then, use a spray bottle to mist the soil and leaves.

This single ingredient could help your orchids thrive for a full 12 months, but remember to also consider other vital factors such as temperature and light. Orchids prefer temperatures between 16 to 24 degrees Celsius, ideally kept around 20 to 22 degrees. While they need light to bloom, direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent burning the flowers and leaves.

When it comes to watering, tap water, which often contains lime, is not recommended. Instead, use purified water and water your orchid in the early morning for the best results.



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