Perennial and vigorous cyclamen, here’s what it takes to make it grow endlessly

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How to have a perennial and vigorous cyclamen? This is all it takes to make it grow in this way: try it immediately.

This lovely plant graces your living space with vibrant hues that wrap around you throughout the seasons. Proper attention and adherence to the guidance of horticultural experts are crucial for its care, yet many are unaware of a simple technique that can ensure a robust and long-lasting plant. Imagine having a stunning, ever-thriving cyclamen in your home. Specialists are here to share the secrets of achieving just that.

Characteristics of the cyclamen

The cyclamen, a charming fall bloom, is a member of both the Primulaceae and Myrsinaceae families. This hardy plant flourishes rapidly, presenting a lush appearance.

Adorned with an array of exquisite, tender blossoms, cyclamen comes in shades of pink, white, purple, and even a vivid, striking red. Its blooming season stretches from September to April.

Not all cyclamen flowers are fragrant; they appear singularly and may exhibit a curled form, varying with the specific species. The foliage is a rich dark green, featuring elegant white markings on the top, while the underside is accented with red streaks.

The intriguing name of this plant comes from the Greek word for ‘circle,’ reflecting the unique rounded shape of its roots. Originating from the Mediterranean areas, the cyclamen is remarkably easy to cultivate, making it an ideal choice even for those who may not possess an extensively nurtured gardening skill.

Lush, perennial cyclamen – you need to use this

This plant takes center stage in autumn, and as such, it’s crucial to position it correctly. Horticulturists also emphasize the importance of a specific component that promotes its growth, ensuring it remains beautiful, healthy, and perennial.

The pot size plays a significant role and should be chosen based on the plant’s dimensions. For sustained blooming, starting with a smaller container and then moving to larger ones as the plant expands is advisable.

Selecting the right soil is essential, and for potted cyclamen, one key addition is necessary: bark. Incorporating shredded tree bark with sphagnum moss creates a mixture that holds moisture effectively, maintaining the right level of soil dampness without causing waterlogging.

To cultivate a healthy, attractive, and robust cyclamen, simply apply a fertilizer high in potassium and phosphorus three times a week. This will provide the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.

Alongside the horticulturists’ secret, the correct amount of watering is also key. A tip? Submerge the plant in a basin of water at room temperature for 30 minutes, or water it from above, mimicking a soft cascade.

A healthy plant is also one that’s free from diseases, and the leaves are the indicators of any distress or illness. Should the leaves lose their vibrant green hue, it’s a signal to seek advice from a professional.

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