Pothos, how to grow it in a jar: the step-by-step process

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Growing pothos (Epipremnum aureum) in a jar with water is a simple and attractive way to enjoy this hardy houseplant. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Select a Pothos Cutting

  • Choose a healthy pothos vine with at least 4-6 leaves.
  • Look for a cutting with aerial roots or nodes (the small brown bumps on the stem).

Step 2: Prepare the Cutting

  • Using clean scissors or a knife, cut a 4-6 inch section of the vine just below a node.
  • Remove the lower leaves to expose 1-2 nodes, ensuring they will be submerged in water.

Step 3: Choose a Jar and Water

  • Select a clean jar or container. Glass is ideal as it allows you to see the roots develop.
  • Fill the jar with room temperature water, preferably filtered or distilled to avoid chlorine and other chemicals that can affect root growth.

Step 4: Place the Cutting in the Jar

  • Insert the cutting into the jar, ensuring the nodes are submerged in water.
  • The remaining leaves should be above the water to prevent rotting.

Step 5: Find the Right Spot

  • Place the jar in a location with indirect sunlight. Pothos do not require direct sunlight and can thrive in low-light conditions.
  • Avoid placing the jar in direct sunlight as it can heat the water and harm the cutting.

Step 6: Maintenance

  • Change the water every week or when it becomes cloudy to prevent bacterial growth.
  • You can add a drop of liquid fertilizer to the water every 4-6 weeks to provide nutrients.

Step 7: Root Development

  • Roots should start to appear from the nodes in about 2-4 weeks.
  • Once the roots are several inches long, you can continue to grow the pothos in water or transplant it to soil if desired.

Step 8: Transplanting (Optional)

  • If you decide to plant your pothos in soil, choose a pot with drainage holes and use a well-draining potting mix.
  • Plant the rooted cutting in the potting mix and water it thoroughly.

Step 9: Long-Term Care

  • Whether you keep your pothos in water or soil, continue to provide indirect light and consistent moisture.
  • Trim the vines as needed to maintain the desired shape and size.

By following these steps, you can successfully grow a pothos plant in a jar, adding a touch of greenery to your space with minimal effort.


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