The most effective tricks to make the Christmas cactus bloom all year round

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The Christmas cactus, alternatively known as the Easter cactus (Schlumbergera bridgessii), is a captivating indoor plant that blooms during the winter months, bringing a vibrant splash of color to any interior space.

This beloved plant not only requires minimal upkeep but also lends itself well to propagation and, with a few simple measures, can be prompted to bloom continuously.

To propagate the Christmas cactus, snip a small “Y”-shaped section from the stem tips, ensuring it’s taken from a healthy portion of the plant. Plant the cutting by burying around a quarter of its length in lightly sandy soil. Keep the potting mix evenly moist and position it in a well-lit spot, avoiding direct sunlight.

To encourage root growth for new plants, trim shoots from the tips, focusing on the second joint of each shoot. After a few weeks, the trimmed section should display signs of growth, indicating it’s ready to be transferred to another pot filled with a blend of soil, compost, and sand.

Caring for the Christmas cactus to stimulate flowering demands some attention, though it’s generally undemanding.

Light Requirements: While the plant can adapt to low light conditions, placing it in brighter areas will promote more abundant flowering. Steer clear of direct sunlight to prevent leaf scorching.

Watering: Consistent and ample watering is vital during spring and summer to sustain consistently moist soil without water accumulation. Water regularly but allow the soil to slightly dry out between waterings, avoiding excessive watering to prevent root rot.

Temperature and Humidity: The Christmas cactus thrives in temperatures ranging between 15°C and 21°C, with moderate humidity levels. Placing a water-filled pebble tray beneath the pot helps enhance humidity.

Dormancy: Following its fall flowering period, reduce watering frequency and exposure to light to enable the plant to enter its dormant phase. Ensure a minimum of 12-14 hours of darkness and maintain temperatures between 10°C and 12°C. Keep the plant away from heat sources and drafts during this period.

With attentive care, the Christmas cactus can delight with frequent and unexpected blooms.

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