Water the soil immediately with this: double the yield of fruits and vegetables

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By watering the soil with these ingredients we will have double the normal yield of fruit and vegetables. Here’s what it is.

Every day, the aisles of supermarkets and the stands of our favorite greengrocers are stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables, many of which make their way to our dining tables for various meals.

In Italy, the intake of fresh produce holds significant importance, with a vast array of fruits and vegetables being integral to the renowned Mediterranean diet. Consequently, there is a strong preference for selecting the finest quality products.

Soil: here’s what to use to double your harvest

Each fruit and vegetable has its own season, although some are available throughout the year. It’s important to seek out high-quality produce without paying an excessive price.

Lately, there has been a significant surge in the cost of many staples used in our cooking, with some items experiencing a price increase of up to threefold.

A contributing factor to this rise has been the drought that affected our nation, with the summer’s intense heat leading to a smaller harvest compared to past years.

Consequently, farmers were left with a reduced quantity of produce to bring to market, compelling them to increase prices to compensate for the extensive care needed to cultivate these limited yields.

However, it’s not common knowledge that skilled farmers employ specific techniques to significantly boost their harvests, sometimes even doubling them with the aid of certain fertilizers.

There are natural fertilizers that accelerate the growth of fruits and vegetables, leading to a more bountiful harvest that can ultimately advantage the consumer as well.

The useful ingredient for farmers


The most favored ingredient known to expedite the growth of fruits and vegetables is powdered brewer’s yeast. When mixed with water, it forms an effective fertilizer for both vegetable plants and fruit trees.

To prepare this fertilizer, dissolve two packets of powdered brewer’s yeast in a jar of water and add a teaspoon of sugar to activate the yeast and enhance its fertilizing properties.

Not only does the yeast aid in the growth of fruits and vegetables, but its fungicidal properties also help protect against diseases and prevent the onset of mold.


Additionally, the presence of sugar can stimulate the yeast to activate at once, and as the plant takes in all the nutrients, it is likely to flourish, yielding fruit that is both more flavorful and abundant than one might anticipate.

This technique is among the various approaches trialed by seasoned horticulturists, some of whom incorporate crushed eggshells into the earth to boost the plants’ calcium absorption, thereby fortifying them.

Therefore, if you’re cultivating fruit-bearing plants or vegetables, possibly in a home balcony garden, these methods are viable options to consider.


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